Ongoing Projects:
VESTEL, “Development New Radio Access Technologies and Applying Machine Learning Techniques for Wi-Fi 8 and 6G”, 2024-2025
TÜBİTAK, “Advanced Sensing Mechanisms in 5G and Beyond Wireless Communication Networks”, 2024-2027
TÜBİTAK, “Development High-Awareness and AI-Based Numerology Allocation Algorithms for 6G”, 2024-2025
TÜBİTAK, “Improving the Sensing Capabilities of 6G Candidate Waveform Designs for Vehicle Networks”, 2024-2027
TÜBİTAK, “Physical Layer Security for Sensing and Communication in Wireless Networks Beyond 5G”, 2023-2026
ULAK, “Development of 6G Radio Access Technologies and Creation of New Innovative Approaches”, 2022-2024
Completed Projects:
VESTEL, “Development of New Radio Access Technologies for Wi-Fi 8 and 6G”, 2023-2024
ASELSAN, “Development of 5G Radio Access Technologies”, 2022-2024
TÜBİTAK, “Merging the World of Wireless Communications and Radio Environment Sensing as a Future of Radio Access“, 2021-2024
TURKCELL, “Ensuring Ubiquitous Connectivity for uRLLC in 5G NR”, 2021-2023
TÜBİTAK, “Machine Learning Applications in 5G and Beyond Cellular Communications Systems“, 2020-2023
VESTEL, “Future Radio Access Technologies for Smart Homes and Environments”, 2020-2022
ULAK, “Uçtan Uca Yerli ve Milli 5G Haberleşme Şebekesi Projesi”, 2020-2021
TÜBİTAK, “Novel Index Modulation Systems for 5G and Beyonds Wideband Communications Networks”, 2019-2021
ULAK – Turkcell, “4.5G/5G Haberleşme Sistemleri için Girişim Farkında, Koordineli ve Bütünleşik Zamanlayıcı Tasarımı ve Ulak Baz İstasyonuna Uygulanması”, 2018-2021
BİLGEM, “Multi-Dimensional Signal Analysis Platform for Radio Communications”, 2018-2020
SSB, “Cross Layer Communications Security for Cognitive Radio Networks”, 2018-2020
İSKİ, “Akıllı Su Şebekelerinde Yeni Nesil Kablosuz Haberleşme Tekniklerinin Araştırılması ve Sistem Önerileri”, 2018-2019
TÜBİTAK, “Improving Mm-Wave Link Quality with Novel Adaptive Antennas“, 2017-2020
TÜBİTAK, “Mutual Coupling in 5G Massive MIMO Antenna Systems and its Compensation”, 2017-2020
Savronik, “Waveform and Transceiver Design for Aeronautical Communications Systems”, 2016-2019
C Tech, “Design of Mm-Wave Radio Link Systems”, 2016-2018
ASELSAN, “New Generation Waveform Designs”, 2015-2016
TÜBİTAK, “RF Domain Channel Emulator”, 2015-2016
Savronik, “Channel Emulator Design for Aeronautical Communications”, 2014-2017
TÜBİTAK, “Achieving Physical Layer Security in Wireless Communication Systems“, 2014-2017
İSTKA, “Design of Secure and High Performance Disaster and Emergency Communications Systems”, 2014-2015
TÜBİTAK, “Secure and Reliable In Vivo Wireless Communications”, 2013-2014